CDEvents Documentation

Welcome to the CDEvents specification documentation for release 0.0. Here, you can find all the information necessary to understand and implement CDEvents within your application. For those new to CDEvents, we recommend starting with the White Paper and the Primer, to help you rapidly understand the concepts.

Note that CDEvents builds upon CloudEvents, so it may be helpful to have some understanding of that specification first.

To help you get up to speed quickly, we have broken the specification down into bite-sized chunks. The sections below will help you navigate to the information that you need.

White Paper

The Continuous Delivery Foundation White Paper on CDEvents


An introduction to CDEvents and associated concepts

Common Metadata

An overview of Metadata common across the CDEvents Specification

Core Events

Definition of specific events that are fundamental to pipeline execution and orchestration

Source Code Control Events

Handling Events relating to changes in version management of Source Code and related assets

Continuous Integration Events

Handling Events associated with Continuous Integration activities, typically involving build and test

Continuous Deployment Events

Handling Events associated with Continuous Deployment activities

CloudEvents Binding and Transport

Defining how CDEvents are mapped to CloudEvents for transportation and delivery

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